Friday, September 25, 2009

Day 15, Tues 9/22, Milford to Cedar City: A Short Easy Day

Before the journal begins for this day, here is advice for those that have expressed confusion over how to comment: At the end of a days post, at the bottom, look for "comments", click on that and post your comment. Then you must select a profile at "Comment As". Most people would choose "Google Account", then sign in with your email and a password. Click on "Post Comment", and you are done. It is wonderful to hear your thoughts as you follow our ride. We think of so many of our friends and family as we undertake this challenge, and reap the rewards. Thanks for cheering us on.

After yesterday's long and windy day, it was a relief to start out on a (relatively) short easy day. We bundled up in leggings, gloves and hat...the first time we needed them for the cool morning. We rode on the edge of a agricultural valley out of Milford, then had a long but easy climb over an unnamed summit. Another 30 miles of mild downhill, then flats, then a very moderate climb, and into Cedar City. 55 miles today.

Thank goodness for this day, we needed a mellow one, after yesterday's 84 miles of wind, and before the epic climb tomorrow up Cedar Canyon towards Cedar Breaks. We immediately went to a bike shop to get Kit's spoke checked out...just needed a slight truing (for proper tension.) Martha had the mechanic make a minor derailleur adjustment, and it shifts gears sweetly now. That was her third mechanic visit on the route; keeping them in business. We had a very good lunch at a Mexican restaurant. Isn't it refreshing to occasionally find good Mexican food away from northern New Mexico's finest?. Then on to the KOA where Kit and Bill stayed in a Kabin and Martha pitched her tent on the grass beside it. We joined Brian, our bike angel, for supper at a pizza place. We never rode with him, but shared two dinners and conversation. He is off on a different route tomorrow, towards Panguich, and we are heading to Kanab. He is pictured below, the next day as we part routes. He is going "all the way" to Virginia, having cycled down the CA coast from Portland, the east. Best wished for the rest of your trip, Brian.

By the way, Bill spent part of his morning golfing. In Milford he found the world's only (we assume) 5 hole course! It cost him all of $3. Bill has been very supportive. We thank him for providing water and shade along the way, for being our personal photographer, for taking on the role of the scout, checking out campgrounds and motels, setting up all but the tents, and being the master chef. He is enjoying some golf, and watercolor sketches in his journal. We could not do this without you, Bill.

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